
Tout voyageur est planétairement surnaturel. Ainsi sera perçu un homme chez un extraterrestre moins avancé, de même qu'un nomade chez un prédateur terrestre impérialiste et furtif qui extermine par tous les moyens (drones, OTAN, OMC, FMI...) tous ceux qui ne s'alignent pas : la faune, la flore, les pauvres, les communistes, Le Che, Sadam, Ben Laden, Kadhafi, Milosevic, ... Un voyageur infiniment plus fort ne permettra pas la survie d'une espèce humaine qui le menace potentiellement en s'en prenant à la vie. Il n'est pas scientifique ni prudent d'écarter la loi d'un plus fort potentiellement furtif, comme l'homme l'est déjà envers les plus faibles : la sagesse commande de se protéger contre une Apocalypse imparable en allant au-devant des souhaits de potentiels voyageurs invincibles, comme tout état qui se protège dans une alliance déjà existante ou à créer (Europe, ONU, OTAN...). Le "surnaturel" devient alors un moyen naturel de transmission de messages forts* de l'amont vers l'aval, sans des échanges directs conflictuels et mutuellement autodestructeurs. Déjà supervisée ou non par des aînées plus avancées dans leur transcendance, toute génération cosmique devenue scientifiquement irrattrapable par les suivantes interviendra ainsi à son niveau dans l'évolution en aval : le modèle gigogne d'un apartheid cosmique rationnel imposé par le plus fort devenu aussi le plus sage. L'homme attendra-t-il l'Apocalypse pour y adhérer ? Une science enfin reconvertie à la paix * anoblira l'espèce pour la préparer à s'intégrer pour son salut dans une chaîne furtive de bienveillance en communion cosmique d'amont en aval !

vendredi 5 avril 2019

A bridge between science and religion

Ariste : Un homme-enfant rêve de battre le plus fort alors que
le seul choix rationnel est celui de Pascal : Article le + récent de l'auteur  sur ce thème ici 

The present contest between science and religion (Darwinism/ID) is a continuation of an old philosophical debate between the innate and the acquired, with the universe in the place of man. Science and religion could however be placed on a common basis.
The egg and the bird
Let us start from a statement: science and religion will never be able to tell us “which one was the first from the egg and the bird”. By laboriously assembling its puzzle from parts of a universal egg (Big-bang) of unknown origin, science will still better explain our world. Starting from a bird (God) also of unknown origin, religion will try to do the same. The egg and the bird could however find a common origin in an infinite concept required after the Big-bang, an infinite concept with potential life.
The puzzle law
But how could science come nearer to the truth and unveil a bird so able to hide unless it follows to the end a puzzle law in which only the missing part finds its place? For if the known metaphor of the lost watch cannot exclude random laws, what can be implied by the discovery of a Big-bang egg except that there was a bird passing by? When the part of the scientific puzzle already built suggests strongly some patterns or arborescence in an apparent process of development, man could perhaps try to continue in the same line in building the future. If it could not like religion say anything on the bird’s nature, science could unveil its existence by the puzzle law. A law questionable like any other law.
In so doing, science would only put the problem of being on an upper floor: how was the bird born? But it usually proceeds that way, lighting the lower floors of knowledge before venturing upstairs in the dark staircases. An infinite universe, or an infinite number of them, could anyway be less magic that our finite universe which could be an excrescence of it: the bird could still be randomly born elsewhere.
An intelligent design eternally continued
Starting with both egg and bird, an intelligent design could bounce again with man and eventual advanced beings of this universe. This rebound is already in process: if the future could be explored, man would be seen as a god by our ancestors and we would view our descendants likewise. Man could also play a divine part by other beings in the future, as in the case of hominization” of a new species issued from terrestrial primates on another planet by mankind:see ].This would be the draft of an intelligent design that advanced ET could have developed further, if not completed.
A Russian-doll model of universal consciousness
A model of universal consciousness under the bird’s control is gradually unveiled. Each individual doll is only aware of its existence within the bird, with eventually its own controlled doll embryos inside its own belly (controlled hominization). And it will never know for sure that it is not itself, with other likewise advanced dolls, located inside a still larger doll controlling down their evolution for the bird’s sake.
Always looking for other likewise advanced dolls with which it should each time unite in order to survive and preserve still better the universal intelligence, each Russian doll could always pretend that it is the largest doll within the bird, but it will also always remain in doubt about it. And the largest doll itself would also remain in doubt all along an almost eternal solitude in a universe finally under its control, a doll in the end transformed into a bird capable of creating a new universe through a new big bang.
Even if they appear sometimes as in a “negative form”, some items comfort this model of universal consciousness based on a hierarchical cosmic apartheid and a synthesis of all the consciousness acquired at each step of the evolution:
- In order to survive, each cosmic nest of intelligence should be protected from predators capable of interstellar travels, and the Earth was preserved,
- Man would be a cosmic predator for any extraterrestrial intelligence already born if he was allowed to use his terrestrial model of colonization beyond his own frontiers. The apparent absence of cosmic predation in the solar system and elsewhere pleads for a deliberate apartheid of eventual advanced beings,
- Man could now “hominize” a new species from terrestrial primates in cosmic apartheid on another planet. What could reasonably be done by man was probably done by other more advanced beings,
- A synthesis of mankind’s consciousness is already underway with present world globalization,
- Like the Russian doll of our model, man will probably always remain in doubt, even if he undertakes such a project.
The similarity observed in the world of matter between the infinitely small and the infinitely large could also exist in the world of consciousness between man and the universe.

A cosmic instinct of survival
Man is abandoning his animal instinct of survival when he is on the point of leaving his nest, a time watched by all predators. Would he be assured to keep the part of the hunter in a universe of terrestrial model where all beings would still be his preys? To the wise hunter, any unknown territory is however peopled with potential predators. As all advanced peaceful ET well disposed toward man, intelligent cosmic predators would not let themselves be easily discovered by their future preys, and they could as well exist. By pure precaution, man should therefore not take the risk of drawing their attention before he demonstrates his sincere desire to join any eventual cosmic alliance for universal peace. Potential cosmic predators could already be kept away by such a demonstration.
In the construction of the future, a decisive choice is awaiting man: the continuation of his traditional and cruel game of hunters and preys, or a credible engagement in a cosmic alliance of all intelligent beings for the preservation of universal intelligence.
For either choice, cosmic discretion is required. It is therefore not very wise from man to progress uncovered and swaggering as he is doing with programs such as SETI and the militarization of Earth’s space.
A Russian-doll sphere of consciousness
Man is curiously more concerned by the past than by the future, spending much energy to get the faintest image of the first picoseconds of the universe while neglecting completely the next few years. In building its puzzle, could science be less qualified to place the parts of the past than those of the future? At the film of universal story, man arrived in the middle, to remain only for a few minutes. If he wants anyway to describe the story, why should he know better the first half than the second? Any new part placed should anyway give a better image of the puzzle and help placing the last parts on a sphere of consciousness always swelling. And on each Russian-doll sphere, there would always remain a last part to place, and infinite of irreducible doubt and ignorance which science and religion could fill as they like.

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